Well, as you know in late December I started this blog and then it has been left neglected for several days now. I was overwhelmed I guess with a need for a daily posting. I started struggling to find this voice inside of me. How will I inspire someone daily just through a blog?

As a fitness professional, you inspire and give of yourself all day long, everyday.  Sometimes you forget to leave some inspiration left over for yourself. Thus, I’ve been searching for spiritual inspiration for myself this year. I seem to be finding great inspiration through: Chellie Campbel author of “The Wealthy Spirit”, Dave Ramsey (I love his rants), and the Bible.   Yes, as and adult, this year I decided to take on reading the Bible for my New Year’s Resolution and I’m finding it very enriching. I’m sure as the year progresses I’ll find more people to fill my spiritual/ inspirational cup and I will share them with you.

Today something wonderful happened to me and I am feeling it. I’ve found my voice for the blog and I’m inspired to write. I love quotes and I can’t seem to ever get enough of them.

There are some people who live in a dream world, and there are some who face reality, and then there are those who turn one into the other” –Douglas Everett

This quote rang true to me today because I always feel as though my husband is the dreamer and risk taker and, well, I’m the reality girl and not a risk taker. My mother-in-law, a great wise woman, has said to me recently that my husband (her son) and I make a great team. I suppose she is right. Why? Well, since we’ve been creating Mind/ Body: Balance it is the fact that we have different strengths to add to Mind/Body: Balance’s value that turns it into a success. A success that we can share with you.

Chellie Campbell wrote “We are all graduates of MSU (I immediately thought Michigan State University??) of MAKE STUFF UP!” We create a dream of what our life should be, what we are entitled to, what paths we follow etc. It leaves me thinking and wondering What is your intention to your health and wellness this year? Are you going to MAKE STUFF UP as to why you can’t succeed at your goal, your dream, as to why you can’t make it a reality! Write down what you’d like to achieve by year’s end.

Melissa Farr, my hairstylist for some time, knew I always wanted to be in business for myself (as did my husband) and, in her stylist way, one day said “Kim your not afraid of failure, you are afraid of success”. I left thinking that she was crazy but, you know what?  Some six years later, she was right. Nelson Mandela, in his Inaugural Address said “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world.” My business isn’t about me, which is why I’m putting my business and my life on a bigger scale this year so that I can reach more people and overcome my fear of success.