If this whole “economy thing” has taught my husband and me anything, it’s that we never really have a safety net. You think that you have all the basics covered.  You’re living a responsible life.  You’re a productive part of society that your parents would be proud of. But really… there is no safety net.  It is an illusion, if you will. Since this is the case, you might as well soar to tremendous heights and go after your dreams.

Think about it.  There aren’t jobs that can’t be taken away through loss of work or being fired.  No matter how good you are at it. There isn’t a house that can’t be lost to fire, natural disaster or foreclosure. There isn’t a life that can’t be lost to an accident, terminal illness or jewels or wealth that can’t be stolen away or depreciated. Yet we seem to define our entire life by these very things; giving up our dreams, creativity and passion for the illusion of security.

Maybe it is time that we start to re-define who we are as a person.  When you get right down to the fact of the matter… all we really have is the one and only internal self. Go after your hopes and dreams and if you fail (which you are bound to do at times) have the faith and belief that you have what it takes to get back up, that you are still worth fighting for. I know it is very scary, thinking that you can swim with sharks or survive the toughest storm.  But if you seek balance and have goals, grit, determination, will, resilience and creativity you may just find that you can lead a happier life.

I see clients (more often than not) that are afraid if they actually take a lunch and movement break that they won’t look like a team player; that the boss won’t think they are working hard enough or that they could lose their job for taking a walk and eating away from the office. This is really sad to me because getting up and moving, stretching and eating mindfully makes us more energized, pain free and increases productivity. Or the story about the obese, sedentary, diabetic worker who had to pass a physical to keep their job was afraid to tell their doctor that they are exercising and share their fitness and eating diaries because they had convinced themselves that it could get them fired. WHAT?

Let me just go off on a rant here.  If you can’t take time to eat a mindful lunch, walk around from time to time and or share your movement success with your boss for whom all of these actions help improve your quality of life, productivity and health. Than maybe you are either working for the wrong the company, have the wrong doctor or you need to revaluate your beliefs and thoughts because they are leading you to an unhealthy lifestyle and that, in and of itself, will jeopardize your job security not the healthy lifestyle choices.

Doubt destroys. Faith builds!” – Robert Collier

Movement can be physical movement and it can be psychological movement. Movement comes in many different forms. The first step is to think positive thoughts. These positive thoughts will help you lead a healthy life all around. But it isn’t enough to just sit there and think or dream of this healthy life.  You’ve got to take some action in order to get the job done.

“The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps – we must step up the stairs.” –Vance Havener


Okay, I love this quote. Have you ever started a workout video, decided “This is work.” and sat back down on the couch to watch the rest of it… snacking and thinking “Wow! That is hard.  Look at them work.  Well, good for them.” Or move that stationary bike or total gym into the house just for it to be a clothes rack or plant stand?  What about… Okay, you’ve gotten yourself to the gym parking lot and now you’re sitting there and fighting with yourself about walking in.  So you finally win the argument to walk in and then you are on the equipment for five minutes and decide you are getting off because you’ve had enough. Be honest.  You know you’ve experienced these scenarios or something similar. Oh! What about this one?  You exercise faithfully everyday, beating yourself up to the point that you can barely walk to your car because your muscles are so fatigued and you do this because you’re running away from facing a big emotion instead.

Look, you are going to try a lot of different steps to a healthy lifestyle.  Some of those items you try aren’t going to work. For example, you might get those new running shoes to take up running and find out you just die, you may start a walking program with some friends to find out that there has been a mutiny and they’ve left you at the park to go to lunch, you might be in the living room exercising to find that the little pirates of the home have commandeered the TV for video games. The point is that life happens and it isn’t a reason to stop all healthy lifestyle behaviors. Once you get into the habit of doing these healthy habits on a daily basis, even if you think some of them won’t be successful, you still need to build your confidence and be optimistic because every little bit does make a difference in your total well being. Tony Robbins in his book Awaken the Giant Within calls this “massive, positive, constructive action on a daily bases” You have to be ready to try different behaviors, plan to make mistakes, to create awareness without judgment and to seek the help that you need.  Once you are prepared you will find great success in your efforts!

Health is a blessing that money cannot buy.” Izaak Walton

Of all the knowledge, the one most worth having is knowledge about health! The first requisite of a good life is to be a healthy person.” –Herbert Spencer

Decide today that you’ve been needing to do more UP UNTIL NOW and start to change your (and your family’s) health!

Spread love everywhere you go: first of all in your own house. Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbor…let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile and kindness in your warm greeting.” — Mother Teresa


Our body was made to move. It wasn’t made to sit in front of a computer for hours on end or sit in front of the TV watching shows and playing games, and it certainly wasn’t made to sit in a car driving through a drive-through having food passed out through a window for us to sit there and eat it. (Really, if the food comes through a window is it really food?) We’ve become so lazy that we can’t even walk in for the instant gratification of food delivered to us in seconds across the counter. Stop and think about our behaviors a minute.  It is kind of funny when you think about it.

When you first start movement, start small. Consider just walking for 5-10 minutes after every meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and once you’ve mastered this then add in a 15-20 minute walk most days of the week.  As you take this walk, smile and be thankful that you’ve been given the gift to be mobile. Happiness is catchy! A gift of a smile to a loved one or stranger brings a smile to their face and day; and it didn’t cost you anything.  Instead, you are creating a link with yourself and others as a circle of abundance.

I thank God everyday for the abundant gifts he provides for me. He made us so that we could live an important plan of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual activity. If you can get the physical thing working, then the rest (mental, emotional and spiritual) will follow through. You only get one body, so feed it with healthy energizing food vs. junky, sluggish food. I say ALL FOODS FIT but there is a difference in the quality of your food so pay attention. Just as a little housekeeping goes a long way… well, so does a little movement. A little movement in your life goes a very long way.  A simple 10 minute walk after meals can help your body process the glucose in your system. Just a little weight loss of 5-10 pounds can significantly impact your blood panels.

This idea of health doesn’t have to be complicated if we don’t make it complicated.

“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease” –Thomas Edison

A wise Turkish saying is: “No matter how far you’ve gone down a wrong road, turn back and get on the right road!”

It isn’t too late to lead a healthy lifestyle.  You just need to find the right resources to help you along the journey.

What we do today will set us steps apart from others that led a sedentary lifestyle today and miles apart in the years to come. We have a choice. There are two sides to a coin. We can choose; “FEAR”, negative attitude and thoughts, or “FUTURE/ HOPE”, positive attitude and thoughts. We have the ability to choose. What do you choose? My motto lately has been to “Overcome Fear, Choose Hope and Discover Personal Victory for my health, even if it is by the skin of my teeth!”

I know you’ve heard someone say “Look, just change your thinking, change your behavior or get some backbone.” Right? Well, the equation to staying healthy is simple but actually living it is difficult. So, you might be thinking “There is no hope for me. I’m past the point of return.” Or, “These things you’ve been suggesting in this blog don’t work for me.” I have a question for you: ARE YOU DOING THEM? Consistently? Everyday?

Look, I know from personal experience and through my clients that you probably aren’t and that you are filling your head with negative, self sabotaging, limiting beliefs. Do you clench at the fact that you are going to have to put that dress or suit on that made its way back to the far reaches of the closet? Do you have anxiety attacks because you have to go clothes shopping for a special event and you don’t know what size you’ll be in? I know those mirrors at the department store don’t seem to work like the mirrors at home right J Do you get all  envious at co workers, friends and family when they are talking about their personal health success, the pounds they lost, the energy they have, their latest blood work was great, etc. Well, you need to start reprogramming yourself. Put a different record on in your head.

It is time to dream and build your best self based on your values and principals. Forget about the past, forget about the future.  Neither exists and we have no control over them.  One has already happened and the other hasn’t happened yet. Each morning, when you wake up, focus on the now, that day. Ask yourself, “What are five steps I could take today, contributions, achievements, and results?” Focus on what you can do for that 24 hour period. In doing this, you will be creating a bright future. Look for:

  • Opportunities to act on
  • Value you can create
  • Relationships you can build
  • Dream and build your “best self” based on your values and principles
  • Gratitude, Gratitude, Gratitude


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…it turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”


–New York Times Writer Melodie Beattie

 Identify what fears are stopping you from moving forward, chose hope and focus on the now. Affirmations are a very powerful tool. They help us stop that negative mind chatter and to stay positive and focused. Sometimes, when we first make an affirmation, it makes no sense to us. An Affirmation is a positive statement affirming or asserting something to manifest. Think about the “Law of Attraction.” You get what you think about.  Your thoughts determine your destiny. If you can dream it, it honors your values, and you develop an action plan.  You can put on a “new record” and conquer success. My affirmations work for me whether I believe they do or not.

I Love To Get Healthy!

March 1, 2010

I’m amazed at how people talk and act when I’m in social settings. For one, whenever someone meets me at a networking event or something they immediately stop eating or start apologizing for eating certain food groups. Believe me!  If I want a dessert, I’m going to get one and not feel guilty about it. Especially since my motto is “All Foods Fit!”

Let’s think about this.  How much did you learn in school about nutrition and movement? What did you hear adults saying about nutrition and movement? What about your parents? These things that you heard, studied and read formed your opinion or perception about nutrition and movement.  How many of us have heard “No. You’ll spoil your appetite.”, “Your father will be home at 7 p.m. We’ll eat dinner then.” “There are children starving in Africa.  Clean your plate.” “You’re young.  Sit down and rest, you’ll have plenty of time to move later.” “Eat all the junk you want while your young.” The list goes on and on right!

What are you saying to yourself? How are you speaking to yourself? Are you saying “I hate my body, look at my face, I am fat.”?  When was the last time you said “I am beautiful and wonderful and my body just gets better as the days go by.”?  Remember.  If you think you are fat in your mind or that you’ll fail at being healthy, then, you know what?  Your mind will always win. You’ve got to make a choice to concentrate on the positive. “With every new day comes new strength and new thoughts.”

 ~Eleanor Roosevelt


FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.  Jackie Brandt puts it beautifully “Our thinking naturally moves us in the direction of our goals. If we do not consciously choose goals, then our thinking usually moves us in the direction of our fears. The one thing bigger than fear is intention or goal, we have now taken any fear that we might naturally drift toward and we have  replaced it with something far more powerful.” What is your choice today? Is it to be fearful that you will fail at your weight loss attempts once again? Or is it that you will make an intention to collect information and act on it; changing your lifestyle? For example, you could call a fitness coach or personal trainer and gather information on what steps you should take to best reach your goal. You could find out what a healthy, realistic time span would be to reach those goals (6 months, 12 months or 21 months etc.). You shouldn’t have to go to heroic efforts of punishing your body into a healthy lifestyle to make a change. Small steps go a long way, just like a little house keeping goes a long way. “You alone decide whether to reach a dead end or live a healthy lifestyle for a long, healthy, happy, active life.” ~Paul Bragg  So take all those excuses and use these three little words “UP UNTIL NOW!”  “I can’t lose weight… Up Until Now!”  “I don’t have time to eat healthy… Up Until Now!”  You get the picture. Begin NOW!

Change your belief system about nutrition, health and movement and you’ll change your experience with nutrition, health and movement! I inspire people to movement!