Finding Your Fitness Vision

December 23, 2009

  • Have you said the words :”I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired” every New Year?
  • Do you long to be at your healthy body weight, but can’t seem to get there by yourself?
  • Have tried diet after diet, lost some weight sometimes, but always gained it back?

 Maybe it is time to create a personal vision to reach your goals. Just as your business or the company that you work for has a mission statement (so that employees have a mental image of what you are working together as a team to create); you can have a personal vision to constantly remind yourself of how you should (or would like to) act day in and day out. 

Why would you want to have a vision?

 You are forced to create a plan when creating a vision! How many individuals do you know that have really taken time out to decide what it is that they wish to attain from their efforts? Stop talking  about getting healthy & TAKE ACTION by investing a little time into creating a vision.  You’ll set yourself up to be ahead of the game

 You will work in a more direct manner, which saves time!  I don’t know about you, but my time is a precious commodity.  Stop bouncing all over the place from one magic pill to the next magic solution. Get off the roller coaster. Really—- you can afford fitness services.  I mean it.  Stop and think about how much of your ownhuman resources (such as time and energy) you’ve spent working towards something? Notice I said “SOMETHING!” It is a “something” because without a clear vision you’re zigzagging all over the place, wasting energy, time and money. A Vision keeps you committed to achieving what is important to you throughout the year.

 Visions allow you to make the right decisions daily. If you have a vision, life gets easier. Now, I know writing the vision and putting it on paper or the computer screen gets to be scary, especially when you’re looking at a blank screen and a flashing courser and you have to get really personal with yourself. That part SUCKS!  But once you’ve done the hard part, you start making “right choices,” Intelligent, meaningful, goal oriented, focused and purpose driven decisions. It snowballs in a good way!

 You become accountable to your actions! We need to put on a new record, MP3 whatever strikes a cord with you. If you continue to say “I’m fat, I don’t do exercise, I love to eat chemicals,” Well Get REAL ! How long do you think it will take you to reach your goals/ Vision? Try NEVER! But if a negative day pops up (which it will) and you read your vision (because you have it wallpapered all over your life). How long do you think it will take you to start thinking straight/ positive again? Reading your vision daily makes you accountable for all of your actions —don’t forget about promises you’ve made to yourself.

 The challenging times that you encounter will be easier to work through. I’m sure you’ve heard “I am on an uphill battle, I take one step forward and two steps back and I’m fighting a losing battle?” You’re facing an obstacle in your life or it’s standing in your way to reaching your healthy lifestyle and you’re finding it extremely difficult to overcome the obstacle. If you have a vision, it gives you the inner strength to hang on even when it seems impossible You can become your “BEST SELF”

 Visions allow you to realize what you have already accomplished and appreciate these accomplishments. Review your visions, realize that you are making slow and steady progress toward reaching your goals. It will “PUMP YOU UP!” Don’t fall victim to not recognizing small goals because you think it isn’t politically correct or something. Stand on your chair, have a good victory dance and cheer. Learn to appreciate what you have, or are achieving along the way to your ultimate goal.

 Part 2 will be about creating your goals. In the meantime I want you to work on the following exercise:

Spend 90 minutes and write down everything that comes to mind.  Anything is Possible.  Don’t limit yourself.

1) What would you love to achieve regarding your health and fitness?
Ex. (I want to be an astronaut)

2) What would bring you great reward or sense of achievement?
Ex. (I want to run a marathon)

3) Are you willing to work on developing an Action Plan to achieve becoming your “BEST SELF” taking back control of your health and body?

4) Are you willing to find new avenues to achieve this action plan? To re-establish your mindset? What are you really capable of achieving?

I want to share something with you. I believe that YOU are not limited in your ability to GROW, to EARN, to COMMAND, to CONNECT, to EMPOWER, to GET HEALTHY, to ENOY! Nothing can stop you from empowering YOU to make better nutritional and lifestyle choices BUT YOU!

 Step aside.  Get out of your own way.  Stop self-sabotaging.


December 8, 2009


“When you put your head together with a Fitness Coach, powerful things happen”—Kimberly Searl


How do you begin to become your Best Self in all of your perfectly imperfect glory?

Let go of your limiting beliefs.

Let go of what others think we should look like

So that you can make way for your best self

On Mind/ Body: Balance’s blog, you’ll find fitness advice, inspiration and healthy/ nutritional tips. I hope that each blog will cast off another layer of you that doesn’t work and help you get to the core of your best self.

I know you are scared of this process; that you are stuck and overwhelmed with the processes of becoming healthy.  You may even be confused, deeply confused, about how to know what is real and what is a gimmick.

I will support you and guide you along your journey (even after you’ve become your best self) so that you are successful in your maintenance phase. Because I know that the maintenance phase is where most people fail.

Figuring out the next step along your journey is tricky. I’ll start at the beginning.  We will take small steps together and you will become your best self! I’m grateful to be on the journey with you.

Gratitude, Kim