Kimberly Searl has been a fitness professional since 2005. She holds a bachelors degree in Applied Science from Youngstown State University. Kimberly is also certified as a W.I.T.S. Personal Trainer, Master Fitness by Phone® Coach, Classical Pilates Teacher, 200 r.y.t. YogaFit® Instructor, Intuitive Eating Coach, Get A Grip/ Aging Gracefully Coach, A Diabetic Lifestyle Specialist Coach and A.F.A.A. Group Exercise Instructor

Kimberly opened Mind/Body: Balance in 2007. Her business specializes in designing exercise programs for individuals, special populations, diabetics and clients wanting and needing to make long-term lifestyle changes. Kimberly strives to inspire clients to transform their mind and body; finding balance through learning and self-discovery.

In 2007, Kim was nominated for the Hero of the Year Award with the American Red Cross for the Yoga work that she does at the Monroe County Youth Center.

In 2008 Kim won her first national award and was named “2008 rookie of the year” from

Lisa Atkinson, Chief Executive Officer of Fitness by Phone

Kimberly opened Mind/Body: Balance in 2007. Her business specializes in designing exercise programs for individuals, special populations, diabetics and clients wanting and needing to make long-term lifestyle changes. Kimberly strives to inspire clients to transform their mind and body; finding balance through learning and self-discovery.


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